Classroom Aids - Term IV - 2018


Michael Cox, PhD, RN, CEN(R), CCRN(A), DAAETS


All official communication via the internet between the instructor and students must be accomplished via your Webster University E-mail account. In accordance with Webster University policy, no other non-Webster E-mail addresses may be substituted. Because of this you must insure you have a working Webster E-mail address before the start of class.


(1) Research Paper Checklist

(2) Free APA Style Tutorials

(5) EXCELLENT APA Style Tutorial from the University of Michigian. Includes several excellent FLASH video clip instructions.

(6) A good APA Resource From NOVA Southeastern University.

(7) Another good APA Resource From Sacramento State University.

(8) Still another good APA Resource from the University of Southern Mississippi.

(9) And yet another good APA Resource from Long Island University.

(10) A helpful site for checking English grammar.

(11) Supplemental References & Readings 344 Page Adobe .PDF.


NOTE: Use of make-up Videos must be approved by the Instructor BEFORE utilized. No exceptions.

As stated in the syllabus, a reaction paper is required from each class session. If you miss a class and the absence is unexcused (e.g. you failed to give me prior notification or a realistic reason for the absence within 24-36 hours of the absence) there is no make-up, period.

No reaction paper will be accepted late or via E-mail. Again don't ask.

If the absence is excused you cannot write a reaction paper about a class you were not in but you can write a reaction paper based on viewing of a substitute movie/video of my selection. In return for an acceptable reaction paper to the make-up video you will receive 1/2 credit for the paper (i.e. 7.5 points).

Make up papers are due the same week normal reaction papers are due (see the syllabus) the only exception is if you had an excused absence the first week, you have until the 3rd week to do the make-up paper. You can only make up one (1) reaction paper without documented proof of absence, e.g. physician's note, etc.

The following are the only approved make-up substitute videos. They are available through your local video rental store or on-line rental service

1. Drugstore Cowboy (1989) - IMDB Info Here

2. Trainspotting (1996) - IMDB Info Here

3. Cocaine Cowboys (2006) (NOTE THE DATE!) - IMDB Info Here

4. Square Grouper (2011) - IMDB Info Here

5. Ken Burns: Prohibition (2011) - IMDB Info Here

(IMPORTANT NOTE: Viewing and commenting on all three episodes can result in the FULL credit for the missed class)


The presence or absence of a particular web site should not be misconstrued as endorsement or condemnation of said site. The purpose of these links are EDUCATIONAL only.

Suggestions for additional sites should be submitted to Dr. Cox

United For Care People United for Medical Marijuana: Florida Initiative to have Medical Marijuana placed on the ballot - include petition and links.

Info on the Washingtonians (Precussor to all 12-step programs)

Project CBD Focuses on develepoment/news of medical cannabis strains with high CBD contents and low THC content i.e., medically active but not as psychoactive (gets you healthy not sick)

The LaGuardia Marihuana Report from 1944

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Alcoholics Anonymous Also in Spanish & French

The AA Big Book On-line (complete)

12-Step Worksheets

The Orange Pages (Doesn't like AA and 12 steps)


The Food and Drug Administration


International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA)

Cleaning Up hazardous Chemicals at Former Meth Labs

Indoor Marijuana Cultivation (how they do it)

Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRC) Includes the E-newsletter "The Drug War Chronicles"

Drugs Facts: Office of National Drug Control Policy


The National Organization on the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)

The Harm Reduction Project

The Harm Reduction Coalition (HRC)

Students for Sensible Drug Policy

BC Bud Depot - typical online llicit/illicit cannabis seed distributor

The Single Seed Centre Another cannabis seed distributor

Lycaeum Entheogen Database (a user run MDMA site)

The American Civil Liberties Union

The ACLU "Bust" Card

MDMA Research Information

Buprenorphine (suboxone or subutex) Manufacturer's Web Page

The National Alliance of Advocates for Buprenorphine Treatment (NAABT)

Vivitrol Once a Month Shot for Alcohol Dependence

Chantix New pharmaceutical "aid" for smoking cessation


Counseling programs are full of "True" information regarding licensure, laws and rules, "mandatory" requirements etc. many of which are inaccurate. Students are encouraged to utilize the following links to go directly to the source instead of relying on third, fourth or fifth hand information.

Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health Counseling

Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health Counseling Intern Application and Information

Florida Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy & Mental Health Counseling
Actual statutes are linked from here.


There are a number of national, state and/or central Florida organizations which offer students opportunities to become involved and begin developing professional networks. Many of these offer reduced fees for student membership. The list below is representative of some of the organizations Troy University students, alumni and/or faculty have recommended for your consideration


The Central Florida Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (CFAMFT) – meets the first Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. at St. John's Lutheran Church, 1600 S. Orlando Ave., Winter Park. Networking and short programs.

The Mental Health Association of Central Florida (MHACF)– meets the first Friday of each month at 9 a.m. at St. Richard's Episcopal Church, 7120 Lake Ellenor Drive, Orlando. Students are encouraged to attend. There are opportunities for networking and learning from short programs.


Florida Association for Marriage and Family Therapy - Professional association for counselors interested in family and relationship therapy.

Florida Counseling Association - Professional association for counselors and counseling students. Phone: 407-628-0793; Fax:407-628-0790; Post Office Box 300457, Fern Park, FL 32730

Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (FMHCA) -- Professional association for mental health counselors and students. 335 Beard Street, Tallahassee, FL 32303; Phone: 850-222-6000; Fax: 850-681-2890.


American Counseling Association (ACA) -- All students are encouraged to join at the student rate. Membership brings several important publications, student liability insurance, reduced rates at national conferences, and other important professional benefits. ACA has many divisions, each can be joined in addition to ACA, and each has its own journal. See the membership brochure in the inside pocket of this Handbook for detailed information about membership in ACA and its divisions as well as other related professional associations. Phone: 800-347-6647

American Psychological Association (APA) -- The APA also has s reduced student rate. Even if you do not plan on continuing with doctoral studies, the APA offers a tremendous number of resources and over 50 specialty oriented divisions. Depending on the student membership you select, you can have full text access to all APA journals and even books. Phone: 800-374-2721

American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT) – provides many professional benefits including annual conferences and publications. 1133 15 th Street N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20005; Phone: 202-452-0109

American Mental Health Counselors Association -- Enhances the profession of mental health counseling through licensing, advocacy, education and professional development. 801 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 304, Alexandria, VA 22314 ; Phone: 703-548-6002 or 1-800-326-2642

American School Counselor Association (ASCA) - - P.O. Box 18136, Merrifield , VA 22118 ; Phone: 800-306-4722

National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) - Information about certification and licensure requirements for counseling for each state. 3 Terrace Way, Suite D, Greensboro, NC 27403-3660; Phone: 336-547-0607.

E-mail Dr. Cox .